What Do You Have To Say About ROAR Canada?
Tell Us Your Story!
Were you at one of our ROAR Canada events in 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 or 2019? Others would love to hear your story. Send it to us through our Contact page and we'll be sure to post them here and everyone will share in your journey.
This Is What People Are Saying About ROAR Canada:
Stories That Inspire!
"My first experience at a ROAR Canada Mastermind was amazing! I took "fear" out of my wagon in order to make room for new adventure. Now, thanks to ROAR Canada, I'm more courageous and willing to try new things that I have been afraid to try in the past." Sean W.
"ROAR Canada has impacted me and my family life in many ways. Given me motivation and insight into positive changes. Everyone should take the opportunity to experience a ROAR Canada Mastermind, see what it's like and how it helps no matter where you are at in life." Andrea C.
"What ROAR Canada means to me - I have learned so much it's hard to put into words! I've attended all the events and each one had a different impact -- at the first event with Diana which was so full of information that it was almost overwhelming; I loved Lisa Nichols; I got so much out of Julie at the afternoon Mastermind. "It's impossible to be negative and more forward at the same time." It was so empowering to watch her step out of her comfort zone and lead the group. I loved the January Mastermind with the analogy of the little red wagon. I've gained so much for all the events. I love the people I've met, the Roar Canada paintings. All I can say is Thank you." Nancy L.
" While no single conversation is guaranteed to change the trajectory of a person's life any single conversation can. I experienced one of these life changing conversations at my first ROAR Canada mastermind and at every mastermind I have attended since." Roz F.
"I am not alone in transition journey. So lovely to connect with people here!!!"
"Felt it was such a safe environment – so empowering to be with these wonderful women."
The reflection and breakdown of sessions/sections was extremely valuable – many things were illuminated to me.
"A new woman has emerged. Every day I learn so much more about myself and what I am capable of. ROAR has brought light in my life and lightness to a heavy heart." Jocelyne, Manotick, ON.
Silent, a whisper, a woman is born
Never to speak, is all she’s been told.
Be quiet don’t speak, again she is told
Unspoken words, are all she that she owns.
Day after day, they tug at her heart
Again and again, her soul thus departs.
Help me, help me, they are truths to be told
But year after year, they are still left untold.
A roar in her soul came calling one day
An army of angels had come by her way.
Come with us child, you’ve so much to say
Believe in us dear, we’ll show you the way.
After that day, feet on the ground
Never again were her words left untold.
She looked straight ahead, but still all around
Her voice did then roar, and was able to soar.
Jocelyne Moreau
"I attended Oct 22/14 ROAR by myself and connected easily with the people on either side as we touched each other's lives in a special way. We experienced a warm and knowing embrace and look forward to connecting at ROAR 2015." Anja A
"Although I have read/heard much of the information Ms Kokoska shared it was good to refresh my memory. As she said, "Storing the information on your bookshelf only makes your bookshelf smart. You have to put the ideas into action." Judy, Ashton, ON.
"It was great seeing so many professionals and learning more how to live a positive life on every level." Melanie, Oxford Mills, ON.
"Dianna is so great to listen to. Love that the BOLD message was brought to women in general as an opportunity to see empowerment! Guest speakers were motivating as well." Liane, Ottawa, ON.
"The positive energy was contagious!", Melissa, Ottawa, ON.
"Inspirational, the amazing presenter, the content discussing mindset and shifts, interactions with fellow attendees." Marie, Ottawa, ON.
"So very empowering!" Tony, Ottawa, ON.